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MapLink™ | Signs

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A sign on which two sides are visible, either back to back or attached at an angle no greater than 45°. Two sign faces attached at an angle greater than 45° shall be considered a single-faced sign.
Any single or double-faced sign supported by uprights or braces placed upon the ground and not attached to any building.
A sign, including its frame, structure and other supporting elements, which advertises a business no longer conducted or a product no longer sold.
Any sign advertising or calling attention to any business or activity not located on the same continuous parcel of real estate as the sign or any sign advertising or calling attention to any commodity or service not sold or offered upon the same continuous parcel of real estate as the sign.
A sign with perforated material used on a window with graphic design and/or color on one side that is not visible from the other side. The material used on the sign may provide a clear, tinted view from one side through the window panel.
A sign which identifies or advertises a profession, business or place where goods or services may be obtained and situated upon the premises where the sign is located.
A double- or single-faced sign mounted to an exterior wall of a building or structure and which projects out from the wall more than six inches.
Any announcement, declaration, demonstration, display, illustration, insignia or visually communicative or expressive device used to advertise or promote the interests of any person when the same is placed in view of the general public, but does not include street and directional signs erected and maintained pursuant to and in discharge of any governmental function.
The entire face of a sign, including frame and all wall work included within the frame area. If a sign is composed of individual letters, figures or designs attached directly to the building, the space between such letters, figures or designs shall not be included as part of the sign area.
A sign with or without a structural frame, not permanently attached to the ground, a building or other structure, and intended to be used for a limited period of time.
Includes a sign placed against or painted on a building as well as letters, numbers, characters or designs affixed directly on a building or other structure.
A sign inside of a building but intended to be viewed from the outside.
Objectives. See § 106-86A for details.

Construction standards. The construction of all signs shall be subject to the provisions of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. In addition to the building permit requirements, signage shall comply with the standards of this section.

Signage design standards.
Unsafe and unlawful signs. If the Director shall find that any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe or insecure, is a menace to the public, has been maintained or constructed in violation of the provisions of this section or in violation of any provision under this section, the Director shall give written notice, either in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner/lessee of such sign, as well as to the owner of the property upon which the sign is located, such persons hereinafter referred to as the "responsible person," advising that such sign should be either removed or altered. If such responsible person fails to remove or alter such sign so as to comply with the standards and requirements of this section within 10 days after receipt of such notice, such sign or other advertising structure shall be removed or altered by the Director or anyone so designated by the Board of Trustees, at the expense of the responsible person. The Director shall refuse to issue a building permit to any responsible person who fails or refuses to pay costs which were incurred by the Village in the removal or alteration of a sign. The Director may cause any sign or other advertising structure which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be immediately removed without notice; and such costs shall be charged to the responsible person or persons.

Obsolete signs.
(a) An obsolete sign must be taken down and removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the building or structure upon which such sign may be found within 12 months after the sign has become obsolete.

(b) Upon identification of an obsolete sign, the Director shall prepare a written notification to the owner of the sign that it is obsolete and removal is required within 15 days after the date of such notification. Upon failure to comply with such notice ordering the removal of such sign, the Director is hereby authorized to cause the removal of such sign, including any supportive structures and other appurtenances, and any expense incident thereto shall be paid by the owner of such building or structure to which such sign is attached.

(c) Assessment of costs. Any costs, including legal fees, shall be a lien upon the real property on which such sign or advertising structure was located and may be assessed against said property.

Safety and maintenance. The regulations relating to the safety and maintenance of signs are as follows:
(a) No sign shall be erected, relocated or maintained so as to prevent free ingress to or egress from any door, window or fire escape. No sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape;

(b) No sign or other advertising structure, as regulated by this section, shall be erected at the intersection of any street in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision; or at any location where, by reason of the position, shape, color or illumination, it may interfere with, obstruct the view of or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device; or which makes use of the words "stop," "look," "danger" or any word, phrase, symbol or character in such manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic; and

(c) Reflectors and lights shall be permitted on ground signs, projecting signs and wall signs; provided, however, that the reflectors shall be provided with proper glass lenses concentrating the illumination upon the area of the sign so as to prevent glare upon the street or adjacent property. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain any sign using gooseneck reflectors, spotlights and floodlights which interfere with the safe operation of motor vehicles.

Materials in sign composition. All principal and supplemental use signs shall be constructed of wood or metal or a composite material of similar texture, appearance and durability. The lettering shall be restricted to raised, painted, indented or carved characters or designs on the sign.

Number of signs.
(a) Two principal use signs, (e.g., wall, ground or projecting) shall be permitted for each business, profession, and trade or service establishment. No more than one of each type (wall, ground or projecting) principal use sign is permitted. Where an establishment fronts on more than one street or publicly owned or municipally leased walkway providing public access, two principal use signs for each such access shall be permitted as long as there is no more than one of each type of principal sign for each access;

(b) If there is more than one business, profession, trade or service establishment located on the same property, a sign which identifies the name of such property, building or complex and which is otherwise in compliance with this code shall be permitted and shall not affect the number of principal use signs which are otherwise permissible. A permit must also be obtained for such multiple use sign; and

(c) There is no quantity restriction on supplemental public information signs limited to "entrance," "exit," "no parking," "parking" or "parking for customers only" which are of a maximum size of two square feet.

See § 106-86: Signage design standards. for complete, detailed information.
Signage in the Lake Flower PUDD:
Table 8.4 - Permitted Signs
Sign Type Location
Ground Sign Restaurant road side
Ground Sign Restaurant lawn side
Wall Sign Restaurant lake side
Ground Sign Hotel Sign road side
Wall Sign Porte Corchere

1. Internally illuminated signs are prohibited.

2. Signs shall be constructed of wood, metal or stone and have a wood, metal or stone appearance.

3. The size, material and design of principal signs shall be subject to Planning Board site plan review authority.

4. Accessory or incidental signs including but not limited to traffic circulation, parking and rules and regulation signs shall be subject to Planning Board site plan review authority.
The following signs are prohibited unless permitted by the Director as a temporary use sign:

(a) Signs erected on or located on any street or public ROW, curb, curbstone, hydrant, lamp post, trash receptacle, tree, barricade, telephone, telegraph or electrical light pole, or other utility pole, public fence or a fixture of a fire alarm or police system, except public directory and information signs;

(b) Signs illuminated with revolving, rotating or oscillating light;

(c) Rotating signs, except barber poles advertising an existing barbershop;

(d) Internally lighted or neon signs except for "vacancy" or "no vacancy" signs and window signs;

(e) Signs placed upon a structure in any manner so as to disfigure or conceal any window, door or fire escape;

(f) One-way vision signs; and

(g) Private signs on publicly owned property, except for temporary use signs pursuant to a permit issued by the Director.
(1) Subject to the following provisions, any sign lawfully existing and maintained at the time of adoption of this section, but made nonconforming by the provisions hereof, may be so continued and maintained:
(a) For a period of three years from the effective date of this section;

(b) Until the copy displayed thereon is no longer representative of the active use of the premises on which it is displayed, but not beyond the three-year period; or

(c) Until the application submitted within the three-year period is decided for any required permit or certification to erect, alter or enlarge either the subject nonconforming sign or any building on the premises on which the nonconforming sign is being displayed.
(2) In the event of a change of ownership of the premises identified by a nonconforming sign, the nonconforming sign may be continued by the new owner for the remainder of the amortized period as set forth above;

(3) The nonconforming sign must be removed by the owner whenever any of the conditions as described above exist; and

(4) Nonconforming signs which are determined by the Director to be a contributing feature to an historic building, structure or site may continue in their current configuration and location and are exempt from these standards.