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MapLink™ | Procedures | Road Construction Inspections

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Road Construction Inspections
Road inspections are to be performed by the Village Superintendent of Public Works or his/her approved designee.
A. The inspection shall include the following:
(1) The width and thickness of the pavement;
(2) The width, thickness and compaction of the subbase;
(3) The compaction of the subgrade;
(4) General compliance with approved plans relative to road grades, cross-slope of travel lanes and slopes of graded areas;
(5) The method and effectiveness of seeding and mulching of all areas required; and
(6) The location, positioning and cleaning of drainage.
B. Roads constructed by the Village Highway Department shall be exempt from this requirement.

Final inspections.
A. Upon completion of construction, a final inspection shall be held by the Village. Minor changes from the development map and plan/profiles as required by conditions of the work site may be allowed in the actual construction.

B. Contingencies set upon approvals of any kind shall be met before the approval can be considered final and valid.

C. The Board of Trustees shall consider accepting new roads only after 100% of the associated road and utility work is completed in the opinion of the Superintendent of Public Works. Conditional road acceptances shall not be permitted, except in exceptional circumstances as determined by the Board of Trustees.

D. Before final acceptance of the road by the Board of Trustees, the Village Clerk shall receive, by the 15th day of the month prior to the Board of Trustees meeting at which the road is to be accepted:
(1) Proof that installed water and/or sewer facilities comply with Village standards and specifications;

(2) The deed to the Village has been previously conveyed to the Village of Saranac Lake and an easement granting access to Village facilities is provided and meets Village standards. Deed filing costs shall be paid by the developer;

(3) Title insurance for the proposed new Village road naming the Village as an endorsee of the policy, which said title insurance demonstrates clear and marketable title;

(4) A tax search indicating that there are no delinquent taxes owed on the property;

(5) Letters from the Superintendent of Public Works that the proposed road has had a final inspection and is ready for acceptance by the Village;

(6) The twenty-percent to ten-percent two-year letter of credit incorporating 100% of the value of the top course;

(7) As-built drawings on Mylar, in electronic portable document format (PDF) and .dwg format; and

(8) Certification by a professional engineer licensed in the State of New York that the stormwater management facilities comply with the approved plan.

See Article XVII: Subdivision Regulations for complete, detailed information.